The More You Drink, The Better We Sound

The More You Drink, The Better We Sound
Our New Logo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dave and Sally Lamb, the owners of Oakland Heights Farm called a couple of weeks ago and asked if Ice House Road would be interested in playing music at their Virginia Horse Conference at Stratford Hall, the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. They even said they'd pay us! We had to think about it though, playing music for a bunch of horse lovin' legislators? How "Outlaw" is that? Outlaw enough I guess, cuz we decided to do it.

Hey y'all,

Well, this was Bull Ride number 2 for Ice House Road in 2010, and our third gig with new lead guitar player Gary Hawthorne. This music thing gets more fun each time we do it, especially with our ability to do songs we've never done before. Gary singing and wailing on All Along the Watchtower was pretty damn amazing!

For those of you that come out to see us in Gordonsville each month, thank you. We are working on getting our stage moved closer to the audience, it'd be nice to connect with you. Kinda sucks having the entire bull arena between you, the crowd and us the band. But at least this time we didn't have the tractor guy raking the arena while we were playing. And it was very nice of mother nature to drop some precip on us two hours before the gig. Killed all the dust and cooled it down a bit.

Our debut CD is being printed now, and should arrive at Ice House Road headquarters (on Ice House Road) this week. We've ordered enough that we can use them for promotional purposes (getting gigs) and sell a bunch, and give them away to friends and family. I am considering how we can sell these discs, online, on this website, on iTunes, please let us know how you'd like to buy your IHR CD. The cost will be $7, that's a dollar a song. At the risk of sounding anything but humble, we think this CD rocks, and rolls. Looking forward to spreading some Outlaw Band around the countryside.

Thanks for reading, please feel free to email me regarding anything Ice House Road, especially if you need a kick ass band to play your next party, BBQ July 4th event, birthday, wedding, bar mitzvah, Bull Ride, or 80,000 seat stadium.


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